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Social Security and Medicare Cost

Applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits?

Getting help is easy! Dr. Bill LaTour is here to help you navigate the complex SSI application process.

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If you have a limited work history and are suffering from a mental or physical disability, you may be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Unfortunately, seeking these benefits can be easier said than done. The application process is complicated and can be a burden on disabled individuals and their families.

For this reason, it’s in your best interest to consult an experienced Los Angeles Supplemental Security Income lawyer who knows how to navigate the system. At The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour, we help disabled individuals in Los Angeles, Colton, Orange County, and across California with their SSI applications and/or appeals. Working with our team can take the stress of obtaining disability benefits off your shoulders. All you have to do is call us!

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We Make It Easy

We strive to make this difficult process as easy as possible. You don’t even have to leave your house. We’ll meet with you over the phone!

You Deserve Benefits

If you’re living with a severe disability that prevents you from working and doing everyday activities, you may be entitled to SSI benefits. Let our team help you get the financial support you deserve.

We Work for You

When you call our office, you’ll get a partner in seeking SSI benefits. The best part is that our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis, so there are no upfront fees and you won’t owe us anything unless we win your case!

We Know How Difficult This Is

Attempting to navigate the Social Security system to get the disability benefits you need to pay for everyday essentials can be incredibly challenging. On top of being a long process, keeping up with the endless amount of paperwork and appointments can be tiresome and frustrating, especially when your condition makes it difficult for you to do certain activities.

Dr. Bill LaTour is not only an experienced Los Angeles Supplemental Security Income lawyer, but also a licensed psychologist. He has a deep understanding of the physical and emotional strains that can come with a disability, which will be to your advantage when you need to prove to the SSA exactly how your condition affects your everyday life. Dr. LaTour and his team know what you’re going through and it’s our mission to help you through every step of the way.

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Need Help Applying or Appealing for SSI Benefits? We’re Here for You!

You don’t even have to leave your home. Someone from our experienced team will meet with you over the phone and answer all of your questions!

SSI is a needs-based disability program that provides benefits specifically to low-income individuals with limited access to resources. SSI recipients are commonly adults whose disabilities have prevented them from ever entering the workforce. People who aren’t disabled but are 65 or older and meet certain financial criteria may also obtain SSI benefits. SSI provides a monthly payment to help recipients meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has several requirements that applicants must meet in order to be approved for SSI benefits. You may be eligible if:

  • You are 65 or older.
  • You are under 65 but suffer from a qualifying disability that prevents you from working.
  • You are blind, under the SSA’s standards.

The SSA uses strict criteria when determining whether an impairment counts as a “disability.” If your condition does not meet the following medical requirements, the SSA will likely not consider you to be disabled:

Your condition prevents you from engaging in “substantial gainful activity” (SGA). In other words, you are unable to work in any occupation due to your impairment.

Your condition has lasted or is expected to last at least a year or result in death.

The SSA only considers total disabilities for SSI payments, meaning you must be unable to continue your current job or any previous jobs you have held in the past. Furthermore, you must be unable to work in any other field for which you are qualified.

In addition to the medical criteria, you must also fall under the SSA’s income limitations in order to be approved for SSI benefits.

This is a strict requirement, because SSI is intended to help low-income individuals account for everyday essentials. In order to ensure that these benefits are only going to people who truly need them, the SSA sets an income limit every year.

The following counts towards the income limit:

If your combined income from any of these sources exceeds the set limit, you will likely not be eligible for SSI benefits. However, there are some exceptions. Our Los Angeles Supplemental Security Income lawyers can review your claim and help you understand what income counts and doesn’t count toward the limit.

The SSA also places limits on your resources. In order to receive SSI payments, your combined resources must not exceed a set amount dictated by the SSA each year. These resources include:

  • Cash
  • Checking and savings accounts
  • Property other than the home you live in
  • Vehicles other than the one you drive

Similar to your income, there are certain resources that are exempt from the resource limit. In other words, you may still qualify for benefits even if the worth of your resources is higher than the set limit. Our legal team can determine whether any of your resources should not be counted towards the limit to help you receive the full amount of benefits you deserve.

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Do I Qualify for Supplemental Security Income?

The Social Security Administration has several rules and regulations regarding SSI, so it can be challenging to know if you’re entitled to benefits.

  • Aged 65 or older
  • Blind under the SSA’s standards
  • Disabled under the SSA’s standards

  • Have limited income
  • Have limited resources
  • Be a U.S. citizen or national
  • Be a resident of one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands
  • Not be confined to an institution at the government’s expense, such as a hospital or prison
  • Not be absent from the country for an entire calendar month or for 30 or more consecutive days
  • Apply for other benefits for which you may be eligible
  • Provide SSA permission to access financial records

Are You Applying for or Appealing SSI Benefits?

If you’re struggling with the application or the appeals process and need the help of a Los Angeles supplemental security income lawyer, The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour is here for you. If you can’t leave your home, we’re only one phone call or click away.

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What Is the Process for Getting Disability Benefits in California?

There are several options available to apply for disability benefits in California. You can visit the SSA.gov site and apply online for disability benefits. You may also be eligible to apply for SSI through the online application. You can also call 1-800-772-1213 or TTY 1-800-325-0778 if you’re deaf or hearing impaired to make an appointment. Another option is to contact your local Social Security office to schedule a telephone appointment to file for SSI benefits.

Anyone may apply for SSI, and there’s no charge to file an application. However, if you need help, The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour will fill out the application forms for you based on the information you provide and help you access the documents you need to meet the SSI requirements.

How Can a Lawyer Help?

The SSI application process can be complicated and requires a lot of documentation to determine your eligibility. If you fill it out on your own, you could put yourself at a disadvantage, and you may be denied benefits. A Los Angeles supplemental security income lawyer like Dr. Bill can help you compile the evidence and documentation you need for your application to present a strong case. If your application is denied, Dr. Bill can help you file an appeal and will keep you updated throughout every step of the process.

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What Comes Next?

All you have to do is call or fill out the online form to share your story in a free case review. You don’t even have to leave your couch!

Your lawyer will gather the documentation you need to establish your eligibility to apply to help the process go quickly and smoothly.

If your application was denied, your lawyer will build a case and file an appeal with the SSA to help you seek the benefits you’re entitled to receive.

Your lawyer will maintain constant communication to ensure you are kept aware of all updates from the SSA and further documentation or steps needed for your application or appeals.

If your application or appeal is approved, your lawyer will let you know as soon as possible.


If you applied for SSI benefits and were denied, don’t lose hope. It’s common for the SSA to deny disability claims, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to receive benefits. In some cases, applicants who are initially denied are able to obtain benefits through the appeals process.

After receiving notice of a denial, you will have the opportunity to file a request asking the SSA to reconsider its decision regarding your SSI application. This stage of the appeals process is known as “reconsideration.” A different claims examiner will evaluate your claim and make a decision. If any forms were missing from your initial application, you may add them to your file before the reconsideration.

If your claim is denied a second time, you may then request a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ). At this stage, you will appear in front of the judge and present your case. Witnesses, such as doctors who have treated you, may speak at the hearing to support your claim.

While you’re not required to have an attorney present at your hearing, it is extremely beneficial, as a legal professional will present the facts of your claim and give you the best chance of an approval. However, if the ALJ also denies your claim, you may continue to the federal court level.

In disability determinations, the SSA’s claims examiners will use the Blue Book, which lists impairments that the agency automatically considers to be qualifying disabilities. If your condition is not already listed here, the claims examiner will review what’s known as your residual functional capacity (RFC) to determine whether your condition is disabling.

Yes. Because SSI is a needs-based disability program, your income and assets must fall under the SSA’s strict limits, in addition to having a qualifying disability. If your “countable income” exceeds $783 for individuals and $1,175 a month for a married couple, you will likely not be eligible for SSI. Keep in mind that these numbers do fluctuate every year, but the income limit is usually around this range.

When referring to SSI, the following financial resources and assets that have a monetary value count towards the income limit:

  • Money earned from a job, self-employment, or any other type of work
  • Income from investments
  • Social Security benefits
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Veteran’s benefits
  • Gifts or resources from family or friends, including a free place to live
  • Checking and savings accounts
  • Property other than the home you live in
  • Vehicles other than the one you drive
  • Commercial rental property

Qualifying for disability benefits under SSI as a non-citizen is complex. In addition to meeting the basic medical and technical requirements, the SSA states that you must also:

  • Be a “qualified alien”
  • Meet one of the predefined “conditions” or circumstances for eligibility

To be considered a “qualified alien,” non-citizens must meet one of the following:

  • You’re a Lawfully Admitted Permanent Resident (LAPR) of the United States.
  • You’re an immigrant conditionally admitted to the U.S. before April 1, 1980
  • Certain refugees or individuals that have been granted asylum
  • Some survivors of human trafficking
  • Under specific circumstances, you’re a parolee in the U.S. for a period of one year or more
  • You’re a Haitian or Cuban non-citizen who was granted admittance to the U.S. under the Refugee Education and Assistance Act of 1980

RFC, or residual functional capacity, is an assessment of your capabilities that demonstrates the nature of your condition and how severely it affects your everyday life. With this in mind, your medical records and other documentation from your doctor are vitally important to the success of your claim. A claims examiner will expect to see solid proof of your diagnosis, treatment, and how the condition limits you.

Dr. Bill LaTour and his team assist disabled individuals and their families in Colton, Los Angeles, and cities throughout Southern California with their SSI applications and appeals. From the moment you call us, our experienced Los Angeles Supplemental Security Income lawyers will work hard for you, making sure you have the proper documents, coordinating with the SSA on your behalf, and keeping you updated throughout the lengthy process of obtaining SSI benefits.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a benefit for disabled people who have worked five of the past ten years and have paid into Social Security through income tax. This requirement doesn’t apply to applicants under the age of 22 who lack sufficient work history.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a benefit that’s based on financial needs for adults and children who are disabled or otherwise impaired, limiting their income. The primary difference with SSI is that it isn’t funded by Social Security tax but rather by general tax revenue.

When you apply for SSI, you must provide objective medical evidence from an acceptable medical source in order to be accepted. An acceptable medical source can include the following medical professionals:

  • Licensed physicians
  • Licensed optometrists
  • Licensed psychologists
  • Licensed physician assistants
  • Licensed podiatrists
  • Licensed advanced practice registered nurses
  • Licensed audiologists
  • Speech-language pathologists

One or more of these medical professionals must provide medical evidence to prove your disability. Evidence from other practitioners, such as therapists and chiropractors, is only used after a disability is established by accepted medical professionals.

Children under the age of 18 with documented disabilities may qualify for SSI benefits. Eligibility is based on the nature of the child’s disability and their parent or guardian’s income and assets. Dr. Bill can help you determine if your child is eligible and begin the process of seeking the benefits you and your family need.

If your application for SSI was denied, you have several options:

  • Hire an attorney to file the appeal
  • Call the Social Security office to appeal by phone
  • File your appeal online on the administration website
  • File your appeal in person at the local Social Security office

Keep in mind that you have 60 days to file an appeal. If you miss this deadline, you have to submit a new application. Dr. Bill can help you file your appeal quickly and efficiently. Contact our Los Angeles Supplemental Security Income lawyers today to get started!

If your SSI application was denied, you have four chances to appeal it and get the money you need. With the help of an experienced SSI attorney, like Dr. Bill LaTour, your appeal may be accepted in the first level of appeals, reconsideration. If not it is not approved at the reconsideration level, you can appeal your case three more times in the following levels:

  • Administrative law judge hearing
  • Appeals council review
  • Federal court

Appeals get more complicated as you move through the levels, but an experienced Los Angeles Supplemental Security Income lawyer can help you file your application and handle any appeals if necessary.

Marriage can potentially change the amount of your SSI benefits or may make you ineligible. When you get married, your spouse’s income and assets may reduce your benefits or disqualify you for SSI, based on combined household income and assets. If you’re both receiving SSI, the benefit amount will change to a couple’s rate from an individual rate. Dr. Bill can review your circumstances and help you determine what SSI you may be eligible for if you are married.

SSI has work incentives that help you earn some income without losing your SSI benefits. You’ll have an earnings limit that you can make per month without affecting your benefits. If you make more than that, you’ll get $1 less for every $2 you earn. If your earnings and any other income exceed the SSI limits, you’ll stop receiving benefits. If your income drops below the SSI limits again in the future, you’ll get benefits again.