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How to Choose a Disability Lawyer in Los Angeles

Disability applications can be complex and confusing, putting you at a disadvantage when trying to do it yourself. Applying for Social Security Disability benefits doesn’t require a lawyer, but having one is undoubtedly an asset. Hiring a lawyer gives you a much better chance of getting your application approved.

If you’re looking for an attorney to help with your disability application, continue reading to find out how to choose a disability lawyer and what you should look for to make the application process as quick and painless as possible.

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How to Choose a Disability Lawyer

Most disability lawyers spend a lot of time in hearings and building cases, so you may speak with a staff member when discussing questions or relaying information about your case. However, a good disability lawyer should be available for a free consultation to review your case and see together if you make a good fit.


Law firms are busy, but that doesn’t mean that you should be treated with anything less than courtesy, professionalism, and respect. You should receive clear answers to your questions and timely callbacks, as well as friendly interactions with both your lawyer and their staff.

Realistic Expectations

Lawyers who promise or guarantee a specific outcome of your case are behaving unethically. Look for a lawyer who will provide an honest assessment of your case, including strengths and weaknesses and realistic expectations for how they can help.

Approval Rates

An experienced disability lawyer should know their approval rate. You can ask about their overall approval rate, how often they win full benefits and partial benefits for their clients, and what portion of the approval rate is at the hearing level. The disability lawyer should have no problem providing their statistics.

Consistent Contact

Even with a large, busy law firm, you should have a point of contact who can answer questions and provide you with updates and information as your case progresses. During your consultation, be sure to ask about the support staff, how often you can expect to be in contact, how many cases the lawyer typically takes on, and whether you’ll have a consistent point of contact.


A person in Los Angeles filling out a social security disability claim with the help of a Disability LawyerA disability advocate doesn’t need to be licensed, but they’re not as likely to understand the ins and outs of Social Security law. Professional, licensed disability attorneys have extensive knowledge and education on time limits and case laws. Furthermore, if your case has to go to federal court, you will need a licensed attorney to represent you.

Be sure to ask your potential attorney about their licensing in the state, their typical caseload, how long they’ve been practicing disability law, and how long they’ve been practicing in the area. The last question is exceptionally important since it can be helpful to have an attorney who is familiar with the administrative law judges in the area.

Call The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour

If you want an attorney to help with your disability application or appeal, call The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour. Dr. Bill is an experienced disability attorney and a licensed psychologist, so he brings a unique and competitive edge to the complexities of disability law. Call 1-800-803-5090 or fill out the online form for your free case review!