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woman calling a social security disability lawyer


Social Security disability is a necessity if you suffer an injury or condition that prevents you from working and doing everyday activities in general. The problem is that receiving the Social Security disability benefits you deserve can be tough because of the complicated rules and regulations surrounding the process.

For this reason, many disabled individuals wonder if they should hire a lawyer to help them. Learn why having a Social Security Disability Insurance lawyer on your side will help improve your chances of a successful claim.

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Making Your Case Isn’t Easy

man filing a social security disability claim in Los Angeles

Filing a successful disability claim depends on a variety of factors. The first major hurdle is the paperwork. When you apply for disability benefits, there will be a lot of paperwork required, such as your medical documentation. The large amount of forms involved can be difficult to manage and people handling the process on their own may not get everything filled out correctly the first time around. In fact, most original claim denials are due to incorrect paperwork.

In addition to filing the proper paperwork, you must also be able to demonstrate that your condition directly impacts your ability to work and make a living. While this may seem straightforward, it can be very difficult, especially if you don’t understand the laws surrounding the Social Security system. An experienced Social Security disability lawyer will know exactly what’s necessary to make your case as strong as possible. With the right attorney on your side, you are statistically far more likely to be approved and navigating all the rules and paperwork will be much easier.

Navigating the Appeals Process Is Confusing

denied social security disability claim

After your initial claim has been submitted, there are two possible outcomes: Your claim will either be accepted or denied. If it’s denied, you may still be eligible for benefits, but will need to move forward with the appeals process. This can be even more complicated and time-consuming than filing your original claim, so hiring a disability attorney becomes even more important at this stage. During the appeals process, you may have to appear before a judge to make your case.

A lawyer can help ensure your case is as strong as possible by presenting extensive evidence they’ll collect from your doctor and any other involved medical professionals. While there’s no guarantee that any Social Security disability case will be approved quickly, having a lawyer on your side can certainly help your denied claim move more efficiently through the appeals process, as they will be able to make sure all the necessary documents are accurate and filed correctly.

Need Help? Call Dr. Bill!

If you’re looking for a Social Security disability lawyer who can help you apply or appeal for SSDI or SSI benefits, look no further than The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour. As a licensed psychologist and lawyer, Dr. Bill offers a unique perspective when it comes to making your case and he knows how to get you approved.

Serving disabled individuals and their families across Greater Los Angeles, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to get help from Dr. Bill and his experienced team. Contact us online or by phone to get started today!