Common Questions
Q. Can You Refer Me to or Recommend Me to Any Doctors or Hospitals?
A. Yes. We can refer you to the county facilities in your county of residence. You can also call “211” from a land line to find local agencies that can help you.
Q. Why Do I Have to See Doctors If I Know I’m Sick?
A. The only way to prove your disability to a Social Security Disability judge is by submitting medical records that prove the severity of your impairments and show that you see doctors or other health care providers on a regular and ongoing basis.
Q. Does Your Office Provide Health Care Assistance?
A. No. We are a law firm.
Q. What If I Don’t Have Insurance?
A. The County facilities will help you until you do have insurance.
Q. I Only See Doctors out of the Country.
A. You must be seen by doctors within the united states who are licensed by state licensing agencies.
Q. Do You Refer Me to Doctors?
A. No. We will refer you to county facilities.
Q.How Am I Supposed to Seek Medical Treatment If I Have No Money or Insurance?
A. County facilities will provide medical/mental health care if you have no money or insurance.
Q. Do I Have to Keep Seeing Doctors after I Win My Case?
A. Yes. The Social Security Administration may decide to review your case at any time after you are approved just to see if you are improving.
Q. I Am Not Seeing Any Doctors but I Will Start so Can You Help Me?
A. We will schedule an intake appointment or mail you a packet so that we can review your case. But you must start seeing doctors as soon as possible.
Q. Do I Have to Send You All of My Medical Records?
A. If you have already submitted them to Social Security you do not need to give them to us too. We may need your help during this process if we can’t obtain updated records from your doctors.
Q. I Have All My Old Medical Records. Why Can’t We Use Those?
A. Medical evidence must be relevant to your disability. We will review your old records to see if we can use them in your case.
Q. Where Is the Nearest Clinic to My House?
A. You can obtain that information by dialing “211” from a landline.
Q. Will You Request My Records?
A. Yes. When we start preparing for a hearing before the judge we will update your medical records. Again, we may need your assistance in obtaining records from uncooperative doctors, therapists, clinics or hospitals.