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How Family Income Affects Child Social Security Applicants


How Family Income Affects Child Social Security Applicants | Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour

Social Security is a system created by the government that provides monetary assistance to people with no income, or not enough income. This assistance is also available for children who are disabled. The total of monthly SSI a child can receive is $733 a month. Similar to applying for student loans, the income of the parents plays a role in the amount that can be received for SSI, and that also includes stepparents that live in the same household as the child.

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SSI Formula for Deeming Parent’s Income

There is a pretty complicated formula used by the SSA for deeming parental income to a child. All earned income is a part of what counts toward the formula. $367 a month is deducted from monthly income from a parent for every non-disabled child in the household. This number can change and fluctuate depending on the couple’s benefit rate that is established year by year.

Again, the total amount that can be received for a child is $733 a month, but the pay rate of the couple is $1,100. If there is only one disabled child in the household, the child gets the total remaining, and if there are two children in the household the two children split the total remaining amount.

Formula for Calculation Amount of SSI a Child will Receive

The income awarded to the child from SSI is deemed as unearned income and here is an example of how the payout works. Nine-year-old Bruce meets the criteria to be eligible for medical disability and to receive SSI. He is currently living in a house with his mom and dad. If Bruce’s mother makes $1,400 a month, and his father makes $1,400 a month, their total income is $2,800 a month. There is no unearned income between the two.

Because there are no other children in the family there is no need for the deduction of $367 per non-disabled child. However, if the parents of Bruce decide to have children in the future this sum would change. There is now a deduction of $85 from the income of the parents. Now, the total would be $2,715 a month. That number will now be divided in half to make $1,357.50 to come up with the number of countable income. The benefit rate of the parents is $1,100 so that number is subtracted from the $1,357.50 that is remaining income and leaves a total of $257.50, which is the monthly SSI for Bruce.

Social Security and Children Over 18

The rules change all over again for children over 18 due to a number of factors.

Explaining the rules of SSI is difficult enough, but following those rules is a matter all on its own. Working with an SSI attorney can make things clearer for you and can benefit your family. Call Dr. Bill LaTour and his team today or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.