For many people, receiving Social Security Disability Insurance is their main source of income. It is a necessity for survival, but merely collecting that income may not be enough for some. There are those who qualify for disability insurance but could still work if it came down to it.
However, most people with SSDI aren’t exactly jumping at the chance to work because it could affect how many benefits they get. Fortunately, there are rules in place that allow beneficiaries to continue getting Social Security while also holding a job. Learn more about work while receiving Social Security disability and discover how a Social Security lawyer can help.
Room to Experiment
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) offers what’s known as the Trial Work Period. In this period of nine months, an SSDI recipient is free to work whatever job they feel they’re able to without losing any of their benefits. Not only is there a 60 month period in which the total nine months may be worked, but there is no limit to the amount of income you can earn in that time.
A month of work is a bit of a broad term which is why the TWP program specified that a month only counts when you make more than $850 that month. While tax deductions don’t count towards that total, disability-related costs can be deducted. This includes things like service animals and medical supplies.
Extended Trial
After you’ve completed your nine months of work, you can still continue to work and receive your full Social Security benefits for up to 36 months. The rules are a bit different at this point, however, so make sure you know the changes. You have to remain disabled, of course, but there’s also a limit on your maximum income. You can’t earn more than (as of 2018) $1,180 a month or $1,970 a month if you’re blind.
Exceeding your maximum earnings limit will cause you to forfeit your entire SSDI benefits check that month. If this happens, Social Security will conclude that you’re not sufficiently disabled enough to warrant future benefits. After review, you’ll get a two-month grace period of continued payments before it stops entirely.
After the Extended Period of Eligibility
When your 36 months is up, you can continue to receive benefits as long as your earnings don’t surpass the maximum threshold. The primary difference at this point is that it’s more difficult to reapply for benefits should your earnings start to exceed the threshold.
However, if your medical condition forces you to stop working again within five years of your extended period of eligibility’s conclusion, you can try for expedited reinstatement which is a great way to get benefits back without having to repeat the entire process over again.
California Social Security Lawyer
Social Security Disability Insurance is a complicated field to navigate on your own which is why it always helps to have a skilled Social Security lawyer when trying to work while receiving Social Security Disability Insurance.
Contact Dr. Bill LaTour and his team have been helping disabled individuals in the Greater Los Angeles area, the Inland Empire, and Orange County get the disability benefits they need for years. Call us or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.