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If you’re applying for or receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, there’s a lot of information you should know to ensure you are able to continue to collect the benefits you need. Dr. Bill LaTour and our team of disability benefits experts have broken down how you can determine how long you can receive Social Security Disability benefits in Los Angeles, along with other helpful information about SSDI.

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First, Let’s Review the Different Types of Benefits

SSDI benefits are designed to help individuals with disabilities that prevent them from working. The SSA provides different types of benefits for people with disabilities:

Adult Benefits

Adults who are disabled may be eligible for SSDI benefits. To qualify, an applicant must have enough work credits and a physical or mental disability that prevents them from working. The condition must be expected to last at least a year or to result in death. In some cases, adults without enough work credits may qualify based on the spouse’s work record. For adults under 22 without enough work credits, they may be able to qualify based on their parents’ work record.

Child Benefits
a child with down syndrome playing with his dad at a Los Angeles park

Children may be eligible for SSDI without a work record if they have a mental or physical limitation that causes obvious or severe impairment. Like adult disabilities, the condition must be expected to last at least a year or to result in death. A child’s benefits will be based on the work records or disability of the parent.

Supplemental Security Income

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are available for elderly or disabled individuals who have limited income. Eligibility for SSI benefits doesn’t require a work history but is based on income and resources. If you are under 65, you need to demonstrate blindness or disability to qualify.


Medicare and Medicaid are programs that are designed to provide health insurance for elderly, disabled, or low-income people. Medicare is a federal program that provides insurance for elderly and disabled individuals. It is run by each state and provides health care coverage for low-income individuals, some disabled people, and children who qualify.

Your Benefits Begin After Your First Notification From the SSA

a disabled person receiving their notification letter form the SSA

After you apply for SSDI, you will receive a notification letter from the Social Security Administration (SSA) that tells you if you’ve been approved and what your monthly benefit will be.

If you’re approved, your SSDI payments will begin the 6th full month after your disability began. The six-month waiting period is based on federal law. You will receive payments on the first of the month.

How Long Do Benefits Typically Last?

Generally, disability payments continue for as long as you are disabled. As long as your medical condition doesn’t improve and you’re unable to work, you should be able to continue to receive benefits. However, if your condition improves, your benefits may be reduced or terminated altogether. If you’re worried about how long your benefits will last, reach out to The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour. Our team can help you understand everything you’re entitled to.

What If I Disagree With the Determination From the SSA?

If the SSA denies you disability benefits, reduces your benefits, or determines you are no longer disabled, you have the right to appeal this decision. You can handle the case directly, or you can hire an experienced Social Security disability attorney to handle it for you. Keep in mind the SSA is on the lookout for fraudulent claims for disability benefits and can be extremely strict when reviewing applications and appeals. It’s best to have an experienced SSDI lawyer like Dr. Bill on your side to help you make sure your application or appeal is as strong as possible.

Get an Experienced Los Angeles Disability Attorney on Your Side

Appealing a determination from the SSA can be a challenging, time-consuming, and stressful process. Instead of dealing with the case yourself, hire a Social Security disability claim lawyer to fight for your rights, such as Dr. Bill from The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour. As a lawyer and clinical psychologist, Dr. Bill has a unique advantage in handling Social Security disability cases. Call us or fill out our online form to get your free case review!